about lydia

I design digital products that support sustainability and improve lives, engaging but not addictive.

Taipei, Taiwan
Portrait of Lydia Sun, Product Designer based in Taiwan

about my design

Create impactful products warm like SUN

Create products warm like SUN

The world doesn't need another Tiktok that makes us miserable. I create to enrich experiences ethically, sustainably, and creatively.

Navigate diverse industries and learning like WATER

Navigate diverse industries like WATER

I effortlessly move through different fields of knowledge, smoothly transforming insights into effective design solutions.

Love asking why, like a breath of fresh AIR

Love asking why, like a breath of fresh AIR

My curiosity drives me to explore and challenge the status quo, bringing new perspectives to every project.


UX/UI Designer, HeHealth (Aagee AI)

Aug 2023 - May 2024 | Remote (US)
Pen*s AI, we challenged the stigma of STIs.

Product Designer, Lumi

Aug 2022 - Apr 2023 | Remote (UK)
I got inspired by purpose-driven startups everyday!

Program Manager, Industrial Engineer, etc at DHL

Sep 2016 - Mar 2022
5-year wonderful journey in the logistics world


UX/UI Design
Vector animation
Webflow development



The upcoming AI world is harmful or hopeful to the environment?
My thought: In short, harmful, and we’re not talking about it enough.


The only good addiction is music!!